Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dev Channel Update:

The dev channel was updated again tonight to No word if they've actually been fixed but so far, I've been unable to produce the audio and OOBE "Let's Get Started" bugs. If you've upgraded and can reproduce the issues, or notice any other features and/or bugs in, let us know about it in the comments.


  1. Still have the issue with the screen "blinking" when I adjust the volume in full screen mode (watching a video)

  2. Downloading right now, hopefully some things are fixed in this build.

  3. From the forum I frequent, they haven't changed anything, except they lowered the Peacekeeper Number from 1616 to 1509. I still have audio problems but Alsamixer works.

  4. @Logan.

    If you have yet to see it, here's the bug I believe describes what you're talking about:

    Just in case, I'll give you the obligatory death threat to simply star the issue and avoid commenting.


  5. Jay, the "volume control can cause the box to restart the out-of-box experience" (private bug 12229) is partially fixed in this release.

    A workaround was added according to commit logs, but users who would otherwise hit that bug now have an issue where the volume always appears to be muted (but is actually always on). The real fix is coming in a future tag release.

  6. The audio bug occurs a lot less than previous. I am still getting stuck muted occasionally, but it's not affecting user accounts anymore for me.

  7. The first thing I do with an update to my Cr-48 is test the volume controls and I was sad to discover that the mute bug is still an issue. Haven't seen the OOBE yet but I haven't restarted more than the one required to update so it could still happen.

  8. Sorry for double post but I've restarted a few times now and so far no OOBE bug yet but my volume is really weird now. My volume notification says that I'm muted but I'm sitting in class right now testing it and it is definitely not muted. All sound is still coming through and I have no way of turning down the volume or actually muting it.

  9. (sorry if i double-post; i'm not sure if my comment actually went through)

    i wasn't going to apply this update, but i accidentally rebooted instead of locking the screen (either that, or my chrometop interpreted hitting the power button in any capacity as a sign to reboot because of the pending update, hm).

    OOBE error happened right away, audio mute bug still exists, and the media player still doesn't seem to work. nothing else seems terribly wrong yet.

    for those of you who are frustrated with being unable to control your volume, hit 'ctrl-alt-t' to bring up a terminal, then type 'shell', then type 'alsamixer'. this will bring up a basic text-only interface for adjusting your various audio out/input devices. it's rough, but it's better than not being able to adjust volume at all. since getting the audio mute bug, i've been leaving alsamixer open in a window so i can quickly flip back and forth if i need to.

  10. I'm also having the issue where the audio is shown as muted but it's actually at max and none of the volume controls work. This is a persistent bug it seems.

  11. my sound will not adjust or mute

  12. mine no longer plays any sound..
