Saturday, April 28, 2012

ChrUbuntu 12.04. Now with double the bits!

Update #4: There's a new version of the ChrUbuntu script that offers much more flexibility. Be sure to check out my latest post at ChrUbuntu: One Script to Rule them All!

Update #3: I've updated the script so that module loading works with beta and dev channel Chrome OS kernels. If you were on beta or dev channel and ChrUbuntu booted but you couldn't connect to WiFi/ethernet, try now. Thanks to not-so-lazy commenter "The Lazy Husband" for the pointer and fix. I've also added a possible fix for some people getting out of space errors. The script below now works with external USB Flash and SD Card ChrUbuntu installs.

Update #2: Instructions for installing to an external USB or SD Card are up!

Update: The script now works on older Cr-48 and Samsung Series 5 Chromebooks. For details, see this blog post.

I'm excited to announce the release of ChrUbuntu 12.04! ChrUbuntu is a clean install of Ubuntu 12.04, the latest Long Term Service release customized to run on Chromebooks. This is the first Ubuntu for Chromebooks that is 64-bit which means it will be twice as fast! Okay, maybe not but it'll at least be compatible with the new Chromebook and Chromebox :-) Also with this release, Chromebook features like 2-finger scrolling and audio and brightness controls work out of box.

Installing ChrUbuntu is extremely easy, just follow the steps below. Want to say thank you for ChrUbuntu? Feel free to do so in the comments below or show your support by visiting the advertisements on this blog. If you purchase a Chromebook or any other Amazon items using the links on the right, I get a small portion of the cost :-)
  1. To get started, make sure your Chromebook is in developer mode and has a developer BIOS installed. See Google's instructions for the Cr-48, Samsung Series 5, the Acer AC700, or the 2nd generation Samsung Series 5 550 and Chromebox Series 3 depending on your model. Samsung and Acer owners should pay special attention to the Developer BIOS instructions.
  2. Reboot your Chromebook but do not login. Make sure you have a WiFi or Ethernet connection at this point. 3G is not recommended. Press CTRL+ALT+=> (=> is the forward arrow where the F2 key would be on a PC). Do not use the normal CTRL+ALT+T method to get a shell. Use the CTRL+ALT+=> method while no one is logged in.
  3. Login as user chronos, no password is needed.
  4. As the chronos user, run:

    wget; sudo bash tnyga

    Make sure you have the command exactly right. tnyga is all lowercase letters and would sound like "tee in why gee aye" if you said it out loud (go ahead, try it!). If you get a "not found" error, make sure you have Internet connectivity.
  5. You'll be prompted with some information about your Chromebook. You may need to run an additional command to install a developer BIOS on your Chromebook or, if you have a 1st generation Chromebook, you might be notified that a special non-official kernel will be used to allow 64-bit Ubuntu to run on your hardware. Press Enter to continue.
  6. The Chrome OS stateful partition where your data and settings are stored is just short of 11gb by default, the script shrinks the stateful partition to make room for ChrUbuntu. You can choose to give ChrUbuntu from 5gb up to 10gb in 1gb increments (Note: If you've installed a larger SSD in your Chrome device, your max number and recommended max will be larger). I recommend not going higher than 9 as 10 leaves Chrome OS with very little free space (less than 1gb). Once you've entered a number, your hard drive will be repartitioned. It may look like the Chromebook is doing nothing for 10-15 minutes but let it be, after awhile it will reboot and re-initialize the stateful partition. This process takes about 5 minutes and then the Chromebook reboots again and shows you the Welcome screen you got when you first turned on your Chromebook out of the cardboard box.
  7. Go through the Chrome OS setup process again until you get to the Google login page. You'll need to have a WiFi or Ethernet connection again at this point. 3G is not recommended. Now follow steps 3 through 5 again. This time the script will see that you've already made room for Ubuntu and will start downloading the ChrUbuntu image and copying it to the SSD.
  8. There are 52 100mb files to be downloaded. Each is compressed so the actual download size ranges from less than 1mb in size to 90mb in size. The total size of all the files is about 1gb compressed and 5gb uncompressed so the download and install will take awhile. The files are named ubuntu-1204.binXX.bz2 (where XX is aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af... ba, bb, bc... all the way to bz). If you want to see how big each piece is, take a look here.
  9. The script keeps track of which of the 52 files have been successfully installed so if you lose Internet connectivity, or the battery dies (you should be plugged in BTW), etc, just re-run Step 8 and it should resume where it left off.
  10. After all 52 files have been downloaded and copied to the SSD, the script will make a few more updates to your Cr-48 and then reboot.
  11. You'll see ChrUbuntu start up! The username is "user" and the password is "user" if you need to make changes.
  12. Right now, you're in ChrUbuntu but if you reboot, you'll be back in Chrome OS. To make ChrUbuntu the default, run:

    sudo cgpt add -i 6 -P 5 -S 1 /dev/sda

    (password is "user"). It should be possible to run this from ChrUbuntu or Chrome OS.
  13. To make Chrome OS the default again, either turn off Developer Mode, or run:

    sudo cgpt add -i 6 -P 0 -S 1 /dev/sda


  1. Thanks Jay! Awesome!

    Does turning off Dev mode erase Ubuntu or just make it unavailable? For example if I went off Dev mode and then switched back to Dev mode, Ubuntu would still be able to boot?

  2. @spartahawk: it makes ChrUbuntu unavailable as the secure boot process will refuse to boot from the unofficial partitions. Note that that on the Samsung and Acer you might need to flash back to the normal (non-dev) BIOS with:

    chromeos-firmwareupdate --mode tonormal

    before going back to normal, non-dev mode with the switch.

    Worst case scenario, USB Recovery should ALWAYS restore the Chromebook to 100% official Google bits :-)

    1. You may or may not want to mention this, and perhaps it's just obvious anyway: If your script has been used in the past and the SSD is already partitioned accordingly, it just goes ahead and starts downloading the 52 100mb files. It is doing that right now for me, and I'm guessing I won't be repeating steps 3 through 5.

    2. This is the case for me. I used an older method, which didn't have such an easy partitioning option, to install 10.04 on my cr48.
      Is there a method to force the partitioning part of the script?
      Would a full recovery/reinstall do the trick?

    3. Yeah I'm sure that doing a USB restore before running the older or this latest script would make everything happen as Jay has described in this post. But hey I liked it. I was much faster and all kind of done in a single step, and the install seemed to proceed and complete perfectly.

    4. Hello spartahawk and John McNulty, I need to clear the point, I install Ubuntu 12.04, It works fine, now I have the switch (hardware) on dev mode.

      what exactly meant that: sudo cgpt add -i 6 -P 5 -S 1 /dev/sda ?

      I should to run this with switch on dev mode? or how?

      Actually when chrome book start appear light blue sad computer, this screen never disappear?

      If I use Ubuntu switch (hardware) always should to be in dev mode?
      Please help.

  3. Thanks for the guide. I just got my series 5 chromebook yesterday (I know right? So late the party!) and installed 11.04 via your guides but I was upset that I would have to use old versions of Ubuntu but then here you come with this guide.

    Things seem to be running well after installing gnome3 (gnome > unity imo), and the wifi dropping issues I was having seem to be gone with this update.

    Thanks for the guide and script.

  4. Great. I will install it on my CR-48.

    Thank you!

  5. after typing
    wget; sudo sh oyjlt
    it says
    "you're not running a 64-bit version of chrome os! make sure you've updated to the latest Dev channel chrome os release then re-run this script."
    what do i do?

    1. As the error suggests: "update to the latest dev channel chrome os release, then re-run this script". ;)

      You can find instructions here:
      But I guess the dev channel is not good for you...

    2. I've updated to the latest dev release on my cr-48 and still get this message. I manually ran uname -m at the prompt and it is i686. Anyone know how to update to 64-bit

    3. I have the same issue with my Samsung chromebook. I followed the instruction and updated to the latest dev channel. But "sudo sh oyjlt" always complained,

      "you're not running a 64-bit version of chrome os! make sure you've updated to the latest Dev channel chrome os release then re-run this script."

      Any clue?


    5. Ok, sorry for the incoming Book-like wall of text, but I'm stumped And I NEED a fix for this.. I'm on a CR-48, I JUST checked the update page seconds ago.. I don't appear too be on the 64-bit os.. here's what the "More Info" slide-out says...

      Version 20.0.1132.15 dev
      Platform 2268.23.0 (Official Build) dev-channel x86-mario
      Firmware Mario.03.60.1120.0038G5.0018d


      536.11 (@117876)
      User Agent

      Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS i686 2268.23.0) AppleWebKit/536.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.1132.15 Safari/536.11
      Command Line

      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --apps-gallery-title=Web Store --apps-gallery-url= --compress-sys-feedback --device-management-url= --disable-seccomp-sandbox --enable-accelerated-plugins --enable-device-policy --enable-gview --enable-in-browser-thumbnailing --enable-logging --enable-onc-policy --enable-partial-swap --enable-per-tile-painting --enable-smooth-scrolling --enable-sync-tabs --enable-sync-tabs-for-other-clients --enable-threaded-compositing --enterprise-enrollment-initial-modulus=5 --enterprise-enrollment-modulus-limit=12 --force-compositing-mode --load-opencryptoki --log-level=1 --login-manager --login-profile=user --no-first-run --ppapi-flash-args=enable_stagevideo_auto=0 --reload-killed-tabs --scroll-pixels=3 --ui-enable-partial-swap --ui-enable-per-tile-painting --ui-use-gpu-process --use-cras --user-data-dir=/home/chronos --no-protector --disable-seccomp-filter-sandbox --register-pepper-plugins=/opt/google/chrome/pepper/ 2.0.2#2.0.2;application/x-ppapi-netflix2 --enable-accelerated-layers --disable-login-animations --ppapi-flash-path=/opt/google/chrome/pepper/ --ppapi-flash-version= --flag-switches-begin --enable-sync-tabs --flag-switches-end
      Last Updated

      Tuesday, May 22, 2012

      Your device is up to date.

      What's going on? Did Google revert? if they did, Should we all use the 11.10 installer and manually upgrade?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. I'm having the same issue on CR-48. I made sure I was on the latest dev channel of CrOS. Any clue?

    8. It seems like the google developers have made an announcement that they have reverted all 64-bit builds back to 32-bit. I think it was because of fewer driver support.

      Basically, use the old 11.10 script, which installs 32-bit Ubuntu. The 12.04 script no longer works since it installs 64-bit Ubuntu, and needs a 64-bit kernel.

      Somebody tell the scriptmaker.

    9. I’m posting this multiple times because there are a few different threads asking about it. Also I go into more detail on my blog but here is how I fixed this problem.

      I used this recovery image and then I downloaded all of the 52 files for the 11.04 script , and ran it. Then I did two system updates (11.10 and 12.04)

  6. Thanks Jay. I was considering going from 11.10 and upgrading the whole poor cr48 couldn't handle it though.

    To build on the post someone made above, Gnome 3 is very usable, and it's what I use on my 'main' daily use computer. Once you use it for awhile the workflow is much better than unity/aero/insert your ui here.

    1. How did you install Gnome 3?

    2. Nevermind. I figured this out. If you want to install Gnome 3 (and it does work surprisingly well on an older cr48 unit) then this guide may be of use. -->

      It suggests status-monitor shell extension for an addon but if you install it make sure you install package gir1.2-gtop-2.0 first from the ubuntu repos otherwise you will get an error. Took me a few minutes to realize that I needed something else first.

  7. Is this recommended over update manager?

    1. This will wipe out your existing ubuntu data so if you are looking to start fresh this may work out better for you. Update manager will upgrade your existing install however. The main advantage to using this and starting over is that it also marks a switchover from using a 32-bit kernel to a 64-bit one which will provide some performance benefits. I will say that it does run a bit snappier now.

  8. To make switching easier, do this

    Go into the Home folder in Ubuntu and press "Control + h" together. Click the file named .bashrc
    Edit the .bashrc file, and add this to the end of the file:
    alias chromeos='sudo cgpt add -i 6 -P 0 -S 1 /dev/sda;echo "Switched to Chrome OS, restart the machine to take effect"'
    Go to your terminal, and type in chromeos. You will be switched to Chrome OS when you restart.

    In Chrome OS, press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to open bash, login as chronos. Inside Chrome OS press Ctrl + Alt + =>.
    Type in chronos, then sudo su, then
    qemacs .profile
    Now type in
    alias ubuntu='sudo cgpt add -i 2 -P 0 -S 0 /dev/sda;sudo cgpt add -i 6 -P 5 -S 1 /dev/sda;echo "Switched to Ubuntu, restart the machine to take effect"'
    Now to save the file press Control + x + s until it says it did it. Then press Control + x + c until you go back in terminal.
    In terminal type Ubuntu and you should be in Ubuntu, if not do Part 2 again.
    Congrats, now you can type Chromos to go to Chrome, Ubuntu to go to Ubuntu.

    1. Oh and BTW, under Chrome OS, its vi .profile and to save press ctrl+c then type :save .profile then to exit, type :quit

      I found a couple differences between then and now.

      works just fine

    2. For VI I found it easier to remember this

      Stop editing - ESC key
      Write/Save - :w
      Quit - :q
      Write/Save and quit - :wq
      Quit without saving - :q!

  9. Thanks Jay -- I had just dedicated an overnight to having the little chromebook update itself to 12.04, this makes it much saner. Now I'm just going to re-install anyways, since this is 64-bit ;-). Would you care to explain/help how your building these images (beyond the chromium wiki page). Is there a way I could build my own payload in a semi-automated fashion from an iso?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Im just wondering here, but why isnt ccsm launching.....

  12. Noob question:

    Does a WiFi connection have to be open? Or can I connect to a WEP or WPA connection?

    1. Yes, u can use WEP or WPA/WPA2. I use WPA2 currently with no problems.

    2. WEP/WPA/WPA2 are encrypted WiFi connections. The script doesn't care what kind of connection you have as long as it can download the files. You could in theory install over 3G although it'd take forever, be considerably more flaky and burn your bandwidth quota up :-)

    3. Thanks! And I'm happy to report that ChrUbuntu is running on my CR-48!!

  13. Can we get more details on how exactly this is customized for Chromebooks? What's removed, and how much better does it really perform?

    1. I think it's pretty stock but includes the modules needed to support the hardware on the machine.

  14. Noob-ish question. I flipped the switch on my Cr-48 to go into dev mode. That's it. Does that mean I have the "developer BIOS" you talk about in step 1?

    1. Since you have a CR-48, yes but I suggest, if needed, like I had to, go to about chrome and change the channel to the Dev channel and let it update to that.

    2. Thanks, I did that too. I was dying to see the new Aurora windows manager and that seemed the quickest way to get it.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Ok, for those of you having problems getting "wget; sudo sh oyjlt" to work properly, here is how I resolved it.

    First, I split the command into 2 parts:

    Part 1 -> wget <-This will download "oyjlt". Once this is done, run...

    Part 2 -> sudo sh oyjlt.X <-If you have tried running the full script, oyjlt maybe saved with a number attached (IE: oyjlt.1). Watch for that after running part 1.

    Part 2 will start the actual download and install process.

    I hope this helps.

    1. I had a problem trying to run sudo sh oyjly, I had to do this, cd /home/chronos, after that, it worked just fine.

  17. Has anyone been able to get the top row keys to work on the AC700? Mine don't do anything.

    1. The forward, back, full screen and window switch buttons don't do anything on any Chromebook (I couldn't find a way to do custom keyboard shortcuts in Chrome).

      Do the volume and brightness buttons not work for you either on the AC700?


    2. Actually, I did get them to work. Go to System Settings>Keyboard>Short Cuts Tab.

      From there, you can modify volume controls. To enable brightness, click the + button to add a short cut.

      NAME: Brightness Up
      SHORTCUT: xbacklight -set 100

      NAME: Brightness Down
      SHORTCUT: xbacklight -dec 10

      Once done, go to far right where it says "DIsabled" and click to assign keys.

      Hope this helps.

    3. Before I installed Ubuntu, ChromeOS was fully functional for me. All top row keys did what they indicted. Uncertain why yours would be borked.

    4. On a side note, does anyone know how to right-click with touchpad? Certain functions need me to right-click (IE delete a file). Thanks!

  18. Aaaaah. Gnome. I can breathe again.

  19. Is Blue Tooth working on this?

    1. I just connected it to my rooted Galaxy Nexus and used the BT tether. SWEET!

  20. It shows up on my AC700; however, I never knew it had the hardware to begin with. Additionally, I have not tried the blue tooth yet.

    1. Also looking for this...
      ctrl+d may help but I would like to totally get rid of it!

  21. Anyone know what/where the "Super" key is? To launch the dash in Unity? (Don't hate, I'm a noob!)
    Or how to customize the dedicate search key for it?

  22. Not essential but curious... Anyone know if Ubuntu can access the GPS on the Cr-48? I'm still new to Ubuntu so was wondering if there was software to use GPS if we can access it.

    1. It can and there is. At least it worked for me last year when I first tried it. the GPS is a Gobi 2000 card.

  23. Switching to Ubuntu is the coolest thing to happen to my AC700. Is there any way to completely remove ChromeOS to regain what it occupies in HD space?

    My one and only complaint thus far is the lack of hardware performance. Google could have easily used a Tegra3 setup which would have added better battery life and a vast leap in performance over Intel's Atom CPU.

    Anyways, BRAVO to the good folks for making this possible!

    1. @blazblu82: having a Transformer Prime (tegra3) running Chrome on Android tells me Tegra3 wouldn't be all that much better with performance, frankly Chrome's flat out unusable at times on it. Of course it is beta.

      Having said that I look forward to Arm-based Chromebooks also and I'm sure Google will get them out when the performance is where it needs to be.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Noob error/question:

    I followed the instructions and properly installed Ubuntu. While booted into Ubuntu I ran [sudo cgpt add -i 6 -P 0 -S 1 /dev/sda] to make Chrome OS default. It worked and while in Chrome OS I ran the other command to make Ubuntu default but it didn't seem to work.

    I tried and tried again but no luck. In my tired and sleepy state I ran the install script again thinking it would fix the issue. But I stoped the script by pulling the battery. After a few boot loops Chrome OS started up again and I tried the command to make Ubuntu default again but this time it just sat in some random boot process.

    I pulled the battery again and then just toggled the developer switch. It began the repartioned process again so I'm guessing it erased Ubuntu.

    So my question is, do I have to install Ubuntu again? Or is there any way to salvage the Ubuntu install?

    Thanks for any help.

    1. Yes, you will need start from square 1, unfortunately. Switching out of developer mode forces ChromeOS to repair itself.

  26. Has anyone figured out ow to right-click the touchpad? In ChromeOS, it was alt alt + long push. I can't seem to have the same result in Ubuntu.

    1. Two finger tap still works as a right click for me. It requires a LOT more precision and space between the fingers though.

  27. I went into the bash shell, and ran 'wget http://goo.lg/oyjlt sudo sh oyjlt". It downloaded four things then didn't do anything else. Wat do?

    1. Try doing what I posted earlier.

      Split the command into 2 parts

      Part 1: wget http://goo.lg/oyjlt <- watch to see if oyjlt downloaded as oyjlt.x where x represents the number times file has been downloaded (IE oyjlt.1, *.2, *.3, etc).

      Part 2: sudo sh oyjlt.x <- only replace the .x with a number (IE oyjlt.1) if the file has one; otherwise, don't use the *.x portion.

      This was the only method I could get to work. Hope this helps.

  28. How do I create and utilize swap space with chrubuntu?

    1. THIS is really important, ubuntu sometimes freeze because it runs out of ram and it don't have any swap

      Someone has any idea of how to do that?

      I try to do a swap file but the command swapon is not working :/

  29. IS there a way to get the files and install Ubuntu on a Samsung 5 offline/without net connection?

    I ask because the dev channel for me has a wifi issue (whereby it can't connect. at all.) and I don't have a USB ethernet adapter.

    1. If I remember correctly, u can download the files and put them on a SD card. Then run the script.

      Someone else here can tell u where to change directories to.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I could not run; sudo sh oyjlt first, so I tried to split the command. But after entering the second part (did not have to rename it, as oyjlt was not saved with a number to it), I ran into another problem. The script now connects to and gets a 200 ok, but cannot write the downloaded file ubuntu-1204.binac.bz2 to STDOUT. It just downloads it again and again, always running into this error. Any ideas?

  32. I did a hard reset now to quit the script, and tried again (now with the full command: wget; sudo sh oyjlt), but it does the whole thing again.
    In the beginning, there is some resolve error message, and a line that says maybe the bz2 file is corrupted, and that I could check this somehow. Then it starts downloading and writing again. Here is the screen output:

    (timestamp) --
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    Length: 30728564 (29M) [application/x-bzip2]
    Saving to: `STDOUT´
    100%[=====================>]30728,564 776K/s in 41s

    102400+0 records in
    102400+0 records out
    102400+0 records in
    102400+0 records out

    Error writing downloaded file ubuntu-1204.binad.z2. shouldbe: is:79bb1a9277fc4a031b0183f24e27a2c2fba998ee. Retrying...

    1. I am getting the exact same error. I see below you got it fixed. You just went back and forth between dev and normal and rerunning the script? It eventually worked? with no new steps?

    2. I just pushed the power button until it stopped retrying and did it over again...
      What struck me was that obviously it has nothing to do with the internet connection, as the script is downloading the same file all over. It must have something to do with the missing hash sum value.

  33. Now I went through the process again, going back and forth to normal and dev mode, and the download process took me to binbi.bz2 this time, where I ultimately receive the error again. The file is actually saved and written to stdout, but it seems to me that this is just a check sum error where the computed check sum cannot be validated because there is no stored one to compare it with. If that is correct, would there be any way to skip the check sum function?

  34. Did it a third time and now everything went through... don't know why...

    1. I gone back and forth at least 5 time now. Can you remember if you did anything different that I am missing? Was anything different?

  35. Rather gutted that after rebooting and setting Ubuntu as default none of the top keys work as they did on first boot - anyone else experienced that? They now act as F1-10 rather than function.

    I assigned the volumes keys via the Shortcuts manager, but the brightness still don't work.

  36. I was wondering if anybody was having trouble with the sound not working. I upgraded, and after the upgrade it worked fine. Then I saw this post, wiped everything and started from scratch, but sound doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas?

    1. Hmmm, never mind, I updated all the sources for the update manager then installed a quarter GiB of stuff, rebooted and it seems to be working.

  37. I like very much that you already set up the volume and brightness keys to work for the assumed shortcuts. Nice.

  38. I have a custom installation of ubuntu, not by your method. Can you tell me how you managed to get the brightness applet working through the function keys? Without using xbacklight nonsense because it sucks.

  39. Like Alberto above I am getting the following error. Have attempted to restore and start over numerous times. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    (timestamp) --
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    Length: 30728564 (29M) [application/x-bzip2]
    Saving to: `STDOUT´
    100%[=====================>]30728,564 776K/s in 41s

    102400+0 records in
    102400+0 records out
    102400+0 records in
    102400+0 records out

    Error writing downloaded file ubuntu-1204.binad.z2. shouldbe: is:79bb1a9277fc4a031b0183f24e27a2c2fba998ee. Retrying...

  40. What if I already have 11.10 on my samsung chromebook?

    1. I already had 12.04 on my samsung chromebook (regular update - 32bit version) and all went well after the first stutters (download probem). I just don't really feel the speed boost for the 64bit version...
      But don't forget to save your data before the install!

  41. So simple. Flawless. Installed today on my CR48 without issue. Did it over a Verizon LTE connection on my tethered phone lickety-plit.

    Thanks for the tool/instructions.

  42. master jay,it is direct ubuntu 12.04 download script??it is new?

  43. I keep getting the following error:
    oyjlt: 1: Syntax error: newline unexpected

    I am a total Linux noob by the way.

  44. Hi Jay,

    Can I switch back to stable channel? The dev channel is always crashing on my cr48. If I switch back to stable channel, is Ubuntu 12.04 still usable?


  45. you cannot use stable channel for this ubuntu script, it will not work.

  46. The script should detect the size of the harddrive rather than assuming the size. I have a 80GB SSD in my cr48 and had to modify the script, change "10" to "100" in the size selection to allow for ubuntu to have the majority of space.

  47. I am having a problem. I can download it just fine, but when I go to start up chrubuntu it gives me an error message saying it panicked. It freezes up, I have to restart it and it goes back into chrome OS.

  48. Worked perfectly, thank you.
    Currently jockeying between Chrome OS 20 Aura and Ubuntu 12.04 on the CR-48 to see which I prefer.

  49. Just want to say thanks to Jay Lee again, so thank you SO much! I had bought my chromebook right when it hit the shelves, believing there would soon (or at least sometime) be Google made alternatives for the likes of FileZilla, Notepad++ or even Gimp and Thunderbird. So that obviously did not happen, and in the end I did not use the chromebook at all. Although I like the keyboard, it is just not convenient enough for casual surfing, as I have a tablet for that. But now, I have it in everyday use again and really like it!

  50. Thanks for the script, works great :)
    I do have a question though : even though I installed language packages in Ubuntu, I can seem to change the language. Is there any modification in ChrUbuntu that prevents any other language from english being installed ?

    Thanks !

    1. I switched to German without a problem...

    2. I finally managed to do it as well, though I had to manually edit the /etc/default/locale file in order to have the proper settings even before login.

  51. Anyobe else having the cursor freeze when waking from sleep on the CR-48?

  52. I am not so much a fan of the Unity desktop, has anyone tried out LXDE? (which I guess would be Chlubuntu)

  53. Hi Mr. Jay
    plz help me how to remove blue screen with frowning face permanenty on boot up,im using samsung seires 5 chromebook ubuntu 12.04,thanks in advance

  54. Nice work Jay, this looks pretty great on my CR48 and I'm very much liking it.

    However, I'm having a couple issues, and wondering if you have anything you can point me to.

    On one hand I'm having a little bit of a problem with the missing keyboard keys and replacing them (, but that's not really my main issue.

    The biggest problem for me right now is the disappearance of the broadband device (wwan0) since I ran all the updates after the first install. At least, I'm pretty sure that was the point where it stopped working. I was able to connect to Verizon once before, but it does not show under network settings in the upper right, nor does it show in ifconfig. Nor after rebooting. Is this a driver issue, or is there something I should be able to do to reenable or initialize the device?


    1. So I've seen the notes people have taken on the issue with the mobile broadband radio, and I've gotten it to work again by booting to ChromeOS first from a hard-power, then soft-rebooting to Ubuntu... but it still goes away the first time you so much as suspend the machine.

      If you (or anyone else!) has any insight as to where I can keep tabs on any progress in fixing this, I will be very grateful. It is pretty much the only thing that is keeping me from switching over to Ubuntu ENTIRELY as I use 3G quite a bit on this laptop.

  55. Thanks to Jay. I installed it over 11.04 in my cr-48 last night. Works great.

    I've been using three-finger click/tap as middle mouse click, but by default this 12.04 does not enable three-finger tap/click. Just found a way to enable it with synclient:
    * to show current settings:
    synclient -l
    * to set 3-finger tap as middle click:
    synclient TapButton3=2
    * to set 3-finger click(hard click):
    synclient ClickFinger3=2
    * to set 2-finger tap as right click:
    synclient TapButton2=3

    You can see many interesting settings like "RightTopButton" as middle click with synclient -l

    1. Three finger tap has actually been missing in dev channel ChromeOS since they pushed v20 with the window manager. I've been using ctrl+click ever since then and have been finding it a bit less frustrating allaround.

  56. It's the weirdest thing; I'm in the dev channel, running Chrome OS 20.0.1132.11, but I'm still somehow in the x86 version. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to switch to x64. It's quite frustrating.

    1. Im getting this too. I'm thinking about installing 11.10 and then updating in Ubuntu to 12.04

    2. This randomness is happening to me too... Like DJ said quite frustrated. In the dev channel, updates to x86 version. If anyone gets a work around let me know.

    3. I may try that, Max, wasn't sure if Ubuntu would actually update from there. I'll give it a shot and let you know.

    4. DJ did you have any luck installing 11.10 and upgrading?

    5. I did, but I didn't really care for Ubuntu and reverted back to Chrome; I couldn't deal with my volume buttons not working, hah. It appears that you shouldn't have any problem updating through it though.

    6. it looks like the dev channel recently switched back to 32 bit.!msg/chromebook-central/DDd3PdweCRo/GH_BaZmAPcsJ

      any luck getting an older 64 bit version running so you can install chrubuntu

    7. So it is anyone else's understanding that the dev channel could switch back and forth? I guess I'll wait for another update and move to the beta or stable once we get 64 bit back.

    8. There is nothing new on this topic? :S

    9. I guess that image is for the CR48. Sadly I own a Samsung S5. I'll research more this weekend.

      Thanks a lot anyway.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Here's a link to the issue tracker!topic/chromium-os-bugs/Yt8B7kA-9ww

    any creative ideas?

  59. What's the procedure for completely replacing CrOS with Ubuntu? I want to use the whole 16GB SSD for Ubuntu. Could you place an option in future versions that if you input 16GB or the size of the SSD you have installed in the Cr-48 that it will replace CrOS with Ubuntu? Thank you.

  60. The cr48 link you've provided for flashing a developer BIOS is not sufficient; did you mean to link something like this:

  61. I am also geting the 64-bit issue

  62. Thanks for this guide!

    I am thrilled I can install Ubuntu on my daughter's Chromebook for her. However, I am not so thrilled with the limited (9GB) of drive space.

    I have a spare 32GB USB flash drive as well as an extra 32GB SD card. Would it be possible to use either of these to install Ubuntu on and then run it on the Chromebook from this larger location?

    She has a Samsung series 5. It has an odd model number as we got it for her through her school so it is not a normal retail model.


  63. I can't get into bash with the latest dev update on my CR-48. At login screen, pressing CTRL+ALT+=> and nothing happens. Try CTRL+ALT+T and the cursor disappears but nothing happens. It reappears when I move it...

    Any ideas?

  64. I couldnt install it, my dev rom is x86. How can I install crubuntu with this dev x86?

  65. this will not work anymore...we need consider install 32bit 12.04 instead of 64bit. below is the confirmation from the tickets which I opened to the dev channel(
    Comment 1 by,
    Yes, due to memory consumption on low memory devices < 2GB of RAM we have switch back to 32 bit. We are investigating running in mixed mode (64bit kernel 32bit userland).

  66. Any thoughts on how to get smooth grub-setup it says the partition used doesn't exists when I do a apt-get update; apt-get disto-upgrade -y

  67. also seeing weird loss of wireless name resolution once and while, any thoughts on where to check when this event window occurs?

    --You should install wine, flash, java7 (that works with minecraft, xbmc w/navi-x) just sayin

    ---How'd you create this script cause I'd like to use this as a clonezilla replacement cross platform's?

  68. Just in case anyone is looking for the developer switch on the Samsung Chromebox, its through the Kensington lock switch.

    Slide it towards the edge to put in developer mode, or slide it the other way to put it into normal mode. A bent paper clip is handy to use.

    It took me ages to find this...

    1. I mean lock hole. To the side of the power connector.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Ok... just bought Chromebox... can anyone confirm that they have installed Ubuntu on the 'box?

    1. Chromebox with Ubuntu 12.04 installed fine for me. Just follow instructions above. Developer mode switch is in the kensington lock slot.

      The "unsigned OS" boot-up delay is a bit of a nuisance though, and I haven't managed to get NFS working.

  71. Has anyone got NFS or CIFS working?

    There doesn't appear to be the right kernel module. Any ideas anyone?

  72. Thank you! I'll be doing this tonight!

  73. Thinking about putting Ubuntu 12.04 on my Cr-48. Is Ubuntu on Cr-48 laggy or snappy?

  74. I have Chrubuntu on on my CR-48 and love it! It is very responsive and really turns the CR-48 into an awesome laptop.

    I am curious if there is a way after I have Chrubuntu setup to completely remove ChromeOS so that I can get all the space for Ubuntu. For some reason I only have a total of 5 GBs for the Ubuntu install. I don't want to start over with the installation because it is setup so well. I would just like to get the rest of the drive available for use. It is weird because when I view the system stats it says it is 10 GBs. Any ideas?

    1. The install didn't work for me. I guess it has to do with Google pulling the 64-bit bits? Anyway, I would not tough a thing on your setup right now...

  75. Does not work as of Version 21.0.1172.0 dev

    apparently not a 64bit chromeos dev build

    1. I’m posting this multiple times because there are a few different threads asking about it. Also
      I go into more detail on my blog but here is how I fixed this problem.

      I used this recovery image and then I downloaded all of the 52 files for the 11.04 script , and ran it. Then I did two system updates (11.10 and 12.04)

  76. Any pointers here? just doing updates and this came up. Not sure if installing to all the partitions would mess up chrome os...see the image on my post at this link

  77. Since 12.04 can't be loaded, will the 11.04 install work on Cr-48 even though the 11.04 webpage says it does not work above version 19?

  78. I also tried to use this guide, but it failed since the current dev channel is back to 32 bit. I was, however, able to use the old 11.04 guide and then update to 12.04 just fine. Everything runs great!

    It would be great to get a 12.04 32-bit version - this post seems to have upset a lot of people.


  79. If you shutdown does it reboot by default to chromeOS?

  80. Ok, got ubuntu 12 installed ok, but if I shutdown or restart it reverts to chromeos even though I ran sudo cgpt... etc from terminal

    Does anyone know hot to help?! Im a newbie when it comes to this!


    1. Hi, I also faced the same problem. Can anyone please help.


  81. @Jay Lee I am wondering if you could make an offical ISO of Chrubuntu, I would like to install it on a USB and boot from a custom bios to the usb. Would that be possible?

    Thanks for all you do!

  82. Thanks again for this really cool operating system, I am enjoying it and can report that LXDE works great (with some tweaking needed for the brightness and sound buttons; easy if you modify the lxde-rc.xml file in /home/user/.config/openbox/).

    Any idea what file system of /dev/sda6 is? It just shows up as "unknown" in gparted as the partition separating the chrubuntu partition from the stateful partition, which has all the 2 GB of free space left that I now want to get my hands on; until gparted can identify that in-between partition it refuses to move it, and in the mean time I find myself wanting that extra space to play around in. (I debated between 8 and 9 GB and unfortunately picked the lower number.)

    Or any other way to (safely) move that unknown partition once I shrink the stateful partition? Anyone? I have always used gparted but am open to other options. Thanks.

  83. So far it's working great on the Chromebox. Do you have any tips on getting mce remotes working in 12.04? I think it may be missing a kernel module.

  84. It works on my Chromebox too. But my USB-serial rs232 adapter does not work.

    The adapter works in a standard Ubuntu in a regular PC and gives me the interface "/dev/ttyUSB0".

    However, it did not add anything in "/dev" under ChrUbuntu. I tried command "lsusb", it showed ChrUbuntu recognized the adapter correctly:
    Bus 002 Device 003: ID 4348:5523 WinChipHead USB->RS 232 adapter with Prolifec PL 2303 chipset

    I also tried:
    sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x4348 product=0x5523
    which did not show any error, but still did nothing.

    From commands "locate pl2303" and "locate usbserial" I saw all the required kernel modules were in the system.

    Do you have any clue of why it does not work?


  85. When I install ubuntu I just get a black screen after reboot. Anyone else see this? If so how do I fix it?

  86. When I wget I get this error
    Cannot write to 'oyjlt' Read-Only file system

  87. @Swapnil Bhartiya

    install developer bios

  88. How do I get the developer BIOS?

  89. I know this is an on-going issue for some, but since the upgrade to 12.04 my wlan is constantly having issues. It will "disconnect" but in all actuality the tx is dropping to 0. I have spent weeks on this to no end. Any help would be appreciated.

  90. Is this working again? I just got a dev channel update and it says it x86 again.

    1. James, thanks for your contribution. 1 question, does updating from 11.04 to 12.04 result in 32 bit Ubuntu in the end?

      Also,this release of Ubuntu 12.04 comes with brightness and volume controls out of the box, will going through your method have this as well? If not, how did you find drivers for your chromebook keyboard? Thanks!

    2. Yes, these instructions leave you with 32 bit. If you want 64 bit your best bet IMHO is to flash your BIOS, and do a USB install of ubuntu.

      The buttons did not work out of the box (I haven't bothered to change them) they are maped to the F-keys.

  91. $ sudo modprobe nfs
    FATAL: Module nfs not found.

    Do we really need to recompile the kernel to get NFS working?

  92. I'm trying to run vmware player on the Google I/O Chromebox it installs ok but when I run it and it says that it can't find kernel headers 3.2.7 is there a way to install them.

  93. I do not want to re-partition the 16GB hard drive. I am going to need a separate hard drive anyways, so I might as well run Ubuntu from there directly and leave the full 16GB for chrome OS. How would one go about installing Ubuntu on a separate drive on the chromebox?

  94. This might be off topic but...

    Can people comment on the performance of chrubuntu? In particular the performance of the chromebook on the light weight chrubuntu? I've heard that the chromebook was not (physically) designed with this in mind - though I suspect that chrubuntu was (meta? - physically) designed with the chromebook hardware in mind.

    I'm hoping to use my next portable computer for data analysis on the go. Opinions? Advice?

    Thanks in advance.
    I also happily take recommendations for a better place to post this question.

  95. Is it true that the dev channel is back on 32bit so this script is obsolete? I would have loved to run 12.04. Simply updating the old installation will not work as well as this script would have, assuming the comments in here are correct, which I assume they are. Is there any solution to this? Maybe a 32bit script version?


    1. James:

      I used the recovery image that you have provided, but my Cr-48 is giving me stuff about it not being recognized/too old (can't recall exactly what it said). Point being: it didn't work as I had hoped.

  96. I installed 11.04 from the older script and upgraded twice to get to 12.04 which is working fine. However, I made the mistake of ticking the install grub2 on /dev/sda box on the way and can't boot to chromeos since I can't persuade the grub menu to appear with any of the usual recipes. Has anyone with this setup got a working boot menu?

  97. Hmm, after restoring chromeos from usb and starting again
    with an 11.04 install then ->11.10 upgrade in Ubuntu I am still booting straight into Ubuntu when I reboot.

    Chromeos/Ubuntu was dual booting OK with the original 11.04 install before the upgrade and no "install grub" boxes were ticked this time during the upgrade.

    I guess the question should really be: -

    how do I get a chromeos boot option back after an Ubuntu update?

  98. I try to boot ubuntu, but with no luck. I see with parted, that the ext4 partition i partition 7. I change cgpt add -i 6 -P 5 -S 1 /dev/sda to cgpt add -i 6 -P 7 -S 1 /dev/sda but still no boot in ubuntu. Any idea?

  99. It's odd I had Ubuntu running fine, then switched back to Chrome OS, and now it will not boot Ubuntu. While I was back on Chrome OS it did update did that reformat the drive back to it's original state? Thanks for the help.

  100. Thanks to Jay Lee and also James Dressel for all their help. Here's a write-up to the path I took.

    @Meier2k8 - I had the same problem, I think the above write-up will work for you.
    @professordes - Check out step #7 - hopefully that helps you?

    1. Thanks! Got it working and have upgraded my Cr-48 to 12.04, working like a charm!

  101. I'll try the various cgpt incantations as recommended in #7

    after a Ubuntu upgrade to see if I can access Chrome when I get back in the same place as the Chromebook next week.

    More anon....

  102. Ok, i found the sollution, I had to run this command after installation, for succesfull boot in ubuntu: /usr/share/vboot/bin/ --remove_rootfs_verification
    I dont know what it does, but it works.

  103. Anyone knows where the 'Delete' key is on the Chromebook running Chrubuntu?

  104. Hi folks,

    Is it possible to install Ubuntu *NOT* directly over the internet?

    My internet connection is terrible! I'd like to download Ubuntu onto a USB via my college connection, and then install Ubuntu on my Chromebox through the USB. Is this possible?


  105. Everything went smoothly, but I can't get wireless to work reliably. Sometimes it connects, but then it drops the connection fairly quickly. I tried turning off power management and hardware-based encryption (per various guides out there), but to no avail. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  106. Would it work to restore to an old 64 bit ChromeOS from USB and then update it and install this? Do 64 bit ChromeOS recovery images exist for series 5?

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. I installed Ubuntu with the new script but I have no WiFi. In the network menu(in the top panel) there's a message saying "No network devices available". Installation went flawlessly and I can boot from Ubuntu &Chrome OS. Any help woild be great, thanks.

    1. Ok figured I could give a bit more info so here are some commands I thought would be helpful. I found an UbuntuForums post with a similar problem but it was and acer laptop and the poster was having issue with their settings saying that *-network DISABLED unlike mine which says *-network UNCLAIMED. Sorry I couldn't get a screenshot but it appears that I get a "vfat" error when using a USB memory stick. Lastly I don't have a usb to ethernet adapter to test if ethernet works.


      $ iwconfig

      lo no wireless extensions

      $ lspci -nn | grep 0280

      01:00.0 Network controller [0280] : Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002a] (rev 01)

      $ lspci

      00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation N10 Family DMI Bridge
      00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller
      00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller
      00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio ontroller (rev 02)
      00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 1 (rev02)
      00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02)
      00:1d.1 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02)
      00:1d.2 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 02)
      00:1d.3 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 02)
      00:1d.7 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 02)
      00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev e2)
      00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation NM10 Family LPC Controller (rev 02)
      00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH7 Family SATA Controller [AHCI mode] (rev 02)
      00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family SMBus Controller (rev 02)
      01:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)

      $ sudo lshw -C network

      *-­network UNCLAIMED
      description: Network controller
      product: AR928X wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)
      vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.
      physical id: 0
      bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0
      version: 01
      width: 64 bitS
      clock: 33MHz
      capabilities: pm msi pciexpress msix bus_master cap_list
      configuration: latency=0
      resources: memory:91000000-9100ffff

    2. What does a 'lsmod | grep ath' show?

  109. I followed the instructions to a tee, but have been unable to get Ubuntu to boot. After step 10, my CR 48 reboots back into Chrome OS. I've tried starting over with a fresh recovery, and tried rerunning the script several times. After it boots back into Chrome, I rerun the script and it downloads about a third of the files again, but I still get the same results every time.

    I've even tried running the following script at the end, thinking it installed properly, but it's just not booting into ChrUbuntu.

    Please let me know what is wrong, and how I can fix it.

    1. This set of instructions might help you pinpoint what went wrong:

    2. @ObjectiveTruth: try running thru the instructions again now. Pay close attention to the fact that the script command is now "sudo bash kxf3n" instead of just "sudo sh kxf3n". I believe your issue was that the limited standard shell was being used instead of the richer Bash shell and that was causing errors with the script.

    3. I've been having the same problem. Re-downloading the files right now (for probably the fourth time now lol) and will try using bash instead of sh.

      Thanks so much Jay! :D

    4. ..just finished and everything is working PERFECTLY so far (using bash vs sh) on my Cr48 (Mario Pony) w/ 64 GB SSD.

      Thanks again!

      (If my previous comment still says "Me" wrote it, that's me, btw... lol)

  110. I don't actually know what I'm talking about, but it sounds like the partitioning went fine, but that you didn't get your BIOS setup correctly to boot the other kernel. I have a Samsung, and for me, I had to execute some command to tell the BIOS that it's okay to boot other kernels.

  111. Such an awesome article. My cr-48 was sitting in a closet until I read this. Thank you. I do have one question. I only allotted 6 gigs to the Unbuntu installation. How can I increase it now? Thank you. ~Josh

  112. No idea, but can you give me a mini-review of Chrubuntu? Is it faster than regular Ubuntu? Is it even worth installing? Did you have any issues?

  113. Thank you kind sir for this delightful script.

    I'm actually going to try ditching my windows laptop at work and using the s 5 550 as a DD for awhile. Probably will be in Ubuntu most of the time, however thanks to you Mr. Lee it will be quite stable and super fast with the SSD.

    Best Regards

  114. I fixed my wireless problems by following these instructions ( Basically, start with the 11.04 version and then upgrade to 12.04. I'm using a gray Samsung.

  115. Im concerned about memory.. assuming I ONLY want to use Ubuntu, can I give it 12 or even 14 GB instead of 10? If i give it 10, after the entire installation proces, how much actual free space will there be? Would I be able to install Java and Eclipse and still have a few gigs left over?

  116. Hi, I try to run your script on my Chromebox that I get from the Google IO. Everything works well until I have finish installing Ubuntu. However, it just gives me a black screen when done with installation and cannot log into Ubuntu. I try running the script multiple times and I try different version of your script and none of them works. Also every time I re-run the script, it will download some of those files due to a fail md5 check. Do you by any chance know what might be the cause?

    I am using DVI to connect to my monitor and I try DP++ and doesn't make a difference.

    1. I have absolutely same problem.

    2. I had the same issue and these instructions don't mention setting `todev` on your device.

      After booting from the "Chrome OS verification is turned off" screen, do the CTRL+ALT+=> (or CTRL+ALT+F2) and run the following:

      localhost login: chronos
      chronos@localhost $ sudo bash
      localhost chronos # chromeos-firmwareupdate --mode=todev

  117. Hi. I want to modify the script to install any ubuntu version i want. But i have one question. The image files you have hosted, instead of them can i use plain .iso file?
    I tried that, but it wasn't making any progress in installation. Please let me guide in the direction of using an .iso file for installation. ( take linux mint for example. )

  118. So simple. Flawless. Installed today on my CR48 without issue. Did it over a Verizon LTE connection on my tethered phone lickety-plit.
    thank you, dude.

  119. May I absolutely remove /dev/sda1 and merge it into my mount partition using GParted? I am out of space on my Ubuntu :(

  120. TO MAKE SWITCHING OS easier!
