Thursday, May 26, 2011

Beta Channel Update: 0.12.433.57

Beta Channel has been updated to version 0.12.433.57. The Chrome browser
version is 12.0.742.68.

The lack of new features in these beta releases and the lack of dev channel releases in general would seem to indicate that Google is focusing all it's energy on bug fixes and polish so that 0.12 is ready to be the first stable channel release of Chrome OS. We're less than 3 weeks away from the first Chromebook retail units in stores!


  1. Yeap, i got it (after raging on "Check for Updates" button :P).
    Can't tell the difference yet!

  2. ok maybe no new features, but the track pad is very unpredictable after this update,

  3. Some sort of wierd "energy-saver" screen showed up on this one. Flew in from the left top, instead of just dimming the screen as before. Only way I knew they'd updated something.

    Oh - and the bug icon is under the tool icon as "feedback"

  4. I haven't seen the "energy-saver" screen yet, but I've wanted power controls since I first started using Chrome OS.
    I think the bug icon was moved in the previous build, here's the full change list for Chromium for reference:

  5. Looks like that 'energy-saver' screen was some tricked-out website, after all. Hasn't shown up again.
